--Diabetes?--Obesity?--Heart disease?--High Cholesterol?--High blood Pressure?--Stroke?
Who’re gonna Call?

Michelle Obama has good reason to crusade against obesity. In the last ten years, obesity rose more than it had in the previous 40 years. It is rising so rapidly that it will soon replace smoking as the #1 cause of death. The good news is that both obesity and smoking are lifestyle choices than can be changed. The Sugar Buster authors claim that Sugar Buster’s lifestyle is simple, easy, effective and inexpensive -- we just need to learn to eat like our ancestors did 400 years ago. That means zero refined sugar, and only whole-grain and unrefined foods. It is a high fiber, low-glycemic diet. As with any dietary change it is always good to check with your health care provider, though I’m sure most of them are already recommending that you eat healthier.
Sugar is main culprit in diabetes and obesity epidemic
Sugar Busters’ strategy is to control, and lower the body’s insulin requirement, so we can become lean and healthy. You won’t learn about that on TV or in magazines, because they love to promote highly processed foods. When eaten, these cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, which immediately creates a big demand for the hormone insulin—also known as the “fat storage hormone.”
By changing what we consume and by avoiding high glycemic index carbs (white potatoes, white rice, white flour, corn products, and all refined sugars), we turn the corner towards health. By choosing wholesome natural foods, i.e. fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats, and healthy fats, we arm ourselves with the tools for successful weight loss and better health. Once we begin carefully reading labels and teach our children to look for and avoid hidden sugars, we add another power tool to our family’s health plan.
When insulin is under control, and meals focus on protein and green vegetables, a friendlier secretion called glucagons is released. It helps with the mobilization of previously stored fat. Unlike insulin, it burns stored fat, rather than inhibiting its use.
Hopefully, this overview of the book Sugar Busters, will motivate you to read more, for it speaks forcefully, that as Americans we must be more prudent about the health choices we make. Hopefully, you’ll follow up with more reading and lifestyle changes that will build better health in your family this new year. Please share your successes.